Clean Water

Our Clean Water program has provided over 1,300 Cambodian families with safe, affordable water filters, protecting them from disease and ensuring access to clean drinking water.

Bringing Clean Water to Cambodian Villages

With no plumbing in the rural villages, getting clean drinking water is a big problem. In 2012, we launched our Clean Water program so families can have safe, pure water to drink. We distributed water filters to over 1,300 families.

Most families get water from wells and rainwater collected during the rainy season. The well water is contaminated with bacteria, which causes dysentery. Often children go to school sick or miss school altogether.

Boiling the contaminated water eliminates the bacteria, but is time consuming and requires gathering wood and heating the water on an open fire. The wood fires cause problems for the environment and are dangerous for the little children who sometimes are burned by the open fire and scalding water.

The ceramic clean water filters, developed by International Development Enterprises, a non-profit organization, are safe and effective. The filters, made in Cambodia, are thoroughly tested to ensure that they produce safe drinking water that meets World Health Organization standards.

The easy-to-use ceramic filters produce safe drinking water for a family of eight and come with a lifetime guarantee. With a filter, no one has to suffer from dysentery or other diseases from contaminated drinking water.

“Lack of access to clean fresh water is considered to be one of the major threats to human health.”

Gordon Nixon

President and CEO, RBC