SDEY Sopheap, BA 2020

BA 2020
Sopheap graduated from the University of Management and Economics in 2020, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. She joined our scholarship program in July 2016, after graduating from Sangke High School, where she ranked 3rd overall in her 12th grade class (out of 48 students) and 1st in philosophy, physics and math. She was offered a partial scholarship from the University of Management and Economics in Battambang, but did not have money for room, board, books and uniforms until the Cambodian Village Fund offered to help. She wants to start her own business. Her family situation is very difficult. Her father lost a leg in the war. Her mother works in the rice fields and on a chicken farm. Sopheap’s 4 older sisters dropped out of school in the 3rd or 4th grade. Her parents have a business repairing bicycles and motorbikes, but often bring home as little as $1.25 per day. Sopheap was motivated to get a college education so she could help her family, but also “help poor children and improve my country.” Sopheap received financial help from the Gendercide Awareness Project.