Scholarship Students Start College

Four of our scholarship students graduated from high school this year and started college last week. They all passed the National High School Exam in August.

Bunthon, who joined our scholarship program in 2014 when she was in the 8th grade, began her studies at Build Bright University. She is majoring in accounting. An excellent student, Bunthon had to overcome obstacles to get to college. She comes from a very poor, single-parent family. Her mother owns no land, and, because of illness, is able to do only limited work. When Bunthon was in middle school, she supplemented her family’s income by selling noodles that her aunt made. In spite of these hardships, Bunthon consistently ranked near the top of her class in high school.

Nineteen-year old Srey Oun is studying Accounting at the University of Battambang. After only a few days at her new school, Srey Oun has made good friends. Her parents, rice farmers with a small plot of land, struggle financially to care for their seven children. For a time Srey Oun had to live with her grandparents because her parents couldn’t afford to pay for her school expenses. Srey Oun joined the Cambodian Village Fund scholarship program in 2014 when she was in the 8th grade.

Danit started college last week at Build Bright University with a major in Management. She joined our scholarship program in 2016 when she was in the 9th grade. She comes from a single-parent family. Her mother is a farmer, but has a disability that prevents her from doing heavy work. Danit suffered a severe case of dengue fever in June, shortly before the high school exam, and was hospitalized for over a week, missing valuable study time. She worked hard to make up the lost time, and passed the exam in August.

Eighteen-year old Sreynuth is studying Banking at Build Bright University. She joined our scholarship program in 2013, when she was in the 7th grade. Her father passed away when Sreynuth was little. Her mother makes a small income as a farmer.